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Buying Property

Buying real estate on Koh Samui is not only one of the best ways to preserve capital, but also an opportunity to increase it. The combination of the comforts of civilization, tropical nature and stunning beaches makes Koh Samui an ideal destination for both long-term living and real estate investment. The island is actively being built up and already now has a developed infrastructure, which includes:

• There is a famous air company which has got a modern airport and offers regular flights; There is a water transportation as well;

• All post offices provide a number of mailing services;


Management company services

Baan Tropic company offers services for the maintenance and rental of real estate on the island of Koh Samui. Factors such as remoteness from the mainland, a humid tropical climate, the specifics of the engineering communications of the island and the mentality of the staff make the process of caring for the property time-consuming, requiring specific knowledge, skills and connections. From the right choice of the management company depends on whether the property will maintain a well-groomed appearance, function properly and bring the maximum income for a long time.


Rent property

Koh Samui offers a huge selection of rental properties of varying quality and prices. Samui's rental market is very dynamic, it changes all the time: some objects are becoming obsolete, at the same time new condominiums, houses and villas are being built. Our main task in Koh Samui is to constantly monitor housing in order to offer you the best options for the best price. We monitor the quality of objects and always find new proposals.



Cost - 2000 THB / Adult 1500 THB / reb. (80-130 cm)

The tour takes place daily and lasts 7 hours (9.00 - 16.00). With a Russian guide on Tuesdays / Thursdays / Saturdays. With English speaking - every day.


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